Article Submission Guidelines

Last updated

Thank you for your interest in submitting a marketing article to Valuable.Promo! We are excited to help you promote your products or services to our audience. To ensure the best possible experience for both our readers and our team, please follow the guidelines outlined below when submitting your article:

  1. Introduce your products or services: Make sure to provide a clear and concise introduction to your products or services, highlighting their unique features and benefits.

  2. Promo code: Please include a promotional code that is valid for at least three months from the date of submission. This will encourage readers to try your offerings and make it easier for them to take advantage of your special offer.

  3. Spelling, grammar, punctuation, capitalization, and sentence structure: Your article must have proper spelling, grammar, punctuation, capitalization, and sentence structure. We recommend using a tool like Grammarly to check for errors before submitting.

  4. Legal content only: Your article must not contain any illegal content or promote illegal activities.

  5. Banner image: Please include at least one banner image with dimensions of 1200 x 628 pixels. This image should be relevant to your products or services and visually appealing to our readers.

  6. Author avatar: Include a high-quality author avatar to give your article a personal touch and help readers connect with you.

  7. Original content: Your article must be original and not published elsewhere. We do not accept articles that have been previously published on other websites, blogs, or publications.

  8. Word count: Your article should be at least 300 words in length. This ensures that your content provides sufficient information and value to our readers.

  9. Submission fee: Pay a one-time submission fee here. This fee helps cover the cost of reviewing and publishing your article.

  10. Send your article: After payment, send your article to [email protected] in a commonly used format (e.g., doc, pdf). Please include your name, contact information, and a brief author bio.

We look forward to showcasing your products or services on and helping you reach a wider audience. Thank you for adhering to these guidelines, and we wish you the best of luck with your promotional efforts.